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Why You Should Socialize Outside of Work (Quick Read)

BY: admin | February 2, 2018

Nine thousand six hundred – these are the minutes spent with your co-workers each month.  To put that into perspective, if you just wanted to count to 9,600, it would take you around 2.5 hours to do so!  Seems like plenty of time to get to know someone, right?

Well, you may know that Brian chooses restaurants based on the type of ice they have or that Mary runs a Yanni fan club, but how much do you really know? And how much is that knowledge helping your team become more successful?

Gaining a deeper insight into what makes your co-workers ‘tick’ lays the foundation of understanding and trust that leads to successful teamwork and a more pleasant work environment.

A simple change in scenery will result in free-flowing conversation allowing individual personalities to blossom.  Enjoying a walk around the block, a warm cup of joe or a tall glass of Goose Island with your co-workers outside of the office is one of the best ways to develop that mutual confidence in one another.

Your colleagues will be more willing to lend a helping hand, provide advice, and ask for the same in return once the vail of your ‘professional self’ is lifted and your genuine selfdom is revealed.

By building your presence outside of work, the positive effect of socializing will extend beyond the group and benefit your own journey within the company, as well.

As topics surrounding work arise within the group setting, you can gain valuable insights about the company; keeping you “in the loop”.  These insights can help you navigate your way through new developments within the company and solidify a strong internal network.

So ask your co-workers to join you at the pub this weekend and let the team building begin!


The benefits of out-of-office team building come with the assumption that you and your peers will participate with maturity.  One too many drinks or an inappropriate joke could turn your pleasant outing into an embarrassing one. Don’t be that guy (or gal)!


